A health day for the village

Jiwa Damai and Lagu Damai Foundation Bali offered a health day to the village in cooperation with Kula group Karma day. Everyone helped and participated. It took place in the Bale Banja, which is the communal meeting hall.

A slide show was presented with healthy foods preventing high blood pressure and diabetes. Yoga exercises were included and a buffet prepared by the Jiwa Damai kitchen and Jiwa Damai volunteers, consisting of Balinese chicken, a combination of small picked chicken meat with lots of lemongrass, peppers, onions and garlic and ginger. A huge cabbage salad with our special honey mustard dressing as well as lost of sprouts in there. Green salad was also present.

All this was handed out on carefully prepared banana leaves and found a great echo and every one had great fun. To be repeated...

You can read more here. 

with a little help

...from our friends... Jiwa Damai is developing and blooming. ;-) One of our great volunteers, Justin from Chicago, gave a wonderful contribution to Jiwa Damai.

Justin helped us very much to improve our website and to promote our organic products. He designed a new label for our products, for our product line, and photographed all the items. He then uploaded all pics, along with new product descriptions to our website.




Check out the excellent work he's done:  www.jiwadamai.net/our-products

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