Wildlife at Jiwa Damai



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Here is some of our wildlife at Jiwa Damai, the beautiful Praying mantis, the incredible intricately woven web of the spider and last no least our sacred Temple Snake which resides at #Jiwa Damai. The local priest says that this means a special blessing, since they only reside in Balinese temples. She is truly beautiful and she will look at you and observe you, and then majestically move away at a slow pace. Here is some of our wildlife at Jiwa Damai. the beautiful Praying mantice, the incredible intricately woven web of the spider and las not least our sacred Temple snake which resides at Jiwa Damai. The local priest says that this means a special blessing, since they only reside in Balinese temples. She is truly beautiful and she will look at you and observe you, and the majestically move away at a slow pace.