Slow down - chill out

Do it like the snail. Wouldn't it sometimes be nice to operate  on a slower speed,  leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life behind and live life more consciously and deliberatly?

Jiwa Damai is the ideal place for such a time-out. Here on Bali you can relax in a beautiful tropical setting, enjoy nature and find time for reflection and contemplation.

Snail on tree

Snail on tree

to be continued.......

Tropical fauna on Bali

Experiencing the tropical wildlife in our extensive permaculture garden is quite a spectacle. Jiwa Damai is inhabited by different animals crawling, flying and jumping around in the huge garden. Today we want to introduce you to some of the little creatures.

The Tokes you'll hear as soon as it gets dark. They like to crawl around under the open roofs, looking for insects. They make that nice sounds: tookeeee, tokeeee.....



Our other noise-makers are the little froggies, quacking and quacking.

At nights, just sit back and listen to the beautiful concert !



Going for a walk in the garden , right after a heavy rainshower, I noticed some spiders weaving their nets.  - What incredibly talented  artists these creatures are !



But we have way more cute little animals in the huge garden. Beautiful animals..... butterflies, colorful birds, snails, ... ( it's just so hard to take pictures of the birds and butterflies.... but we'll keep on trying ;-) )



It is a pleasure walking through the garden and you can be sure not to be bothered by too many mosquitos and flies.  The ponds and water have been exposed to EM-Technology and as a result the breeding of mosquitoes has been significantly reduced.

Come visit us and see for yourself!