Jiwa Damai on the rain

Did you know that in Bali there are two seasons: the Dry Season and the Rainy Season. The Rainy Season ends usually in April. But this year it lasted until May.  The nature is all green and beautiful! Here are some photos from a rainy day at Jiwa Damai.

Rainy season - overflowing rivers

Downpouring rain

Downpouring rain

The rainy season has arrived - but these downpouring rains cause us some problems.

Due to the incredible powerful rains, our little river swelled to a ripping torrent. Many trees along the river were uprooted. Those trees which remained standing, lost most of the supportive earth and now their roots are stretched into the air.



To prevent other tree losses, the sand bags were placed directly around the roots to prevent possible future torrents from uprooting more trees.

river 2

river 2

Rainy season on Bali

Downpouring rain

Downpouring rain

Lately it has been raining a lot here on Bali.

The rains come all of a sudden and disappear the same way. The raindrops are warm but sometimes so hard that they destroy our young plants in the gardens.

The waters of the ponds become alive withe the rain drops dancing on it.



Saraswati our goddess of arts, culture and education remains majestically still, no raindrops can disturb her.

Shiva in the rain

Shiva in the rain