with a little help

...from our friends... Jiwa Damai is developing and blooming. ;-) One of our great volunteers, Justin from Chicago, gave a wonderful contribution to Jiwa Damai.

Justin helped us very much to improve our website and to promote our organic products. He designed a new label for our products, for our product line, and photographed all the items. He then uploaded all pics, along with new product descriptions to our website.




Check out the excellent work he's done:  www.jiwadamai.net/our-products

banana-02 Kopie

banana-02 Kopie

chili-02 Kopie

chili-02 Kopie

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coconut-02 Kopie

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coconutflour-02 Kopie

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honey-02 Kopie

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jackfruit-02 Kopie


Balinese Passion Fruit

This is one of our lumbungs, located in the middle of our permaculture garden, surrounded by fields with organic veggies and fruit. A passion fruit plant has grown over the roof of our garden Lumbung and by now it  covers the whole straw roof.



The plant carries plentiful fruit, but they are not ready to harvest yet. The fruit needs to get more yellow.

passion fruit

passion fruit

The ripe passion fruit, after cutting it open, contains juicy brown seeds with a sweet-sour taste. Very refreshing!