EM made from scratch

Our permaculture garden is looking very rich and green at this time. We had more rains than normal and the veggies and salads and fruit are growing in abundance.

Our local team, Kadek, Gede, Fendy and our volunteer Cedric are carrying the rice straws to mulch the beds. Cedric had made some EM (effective micro-organism) from scratch and we are now looking at the difference between the beans with and without his brew. The first plants are without, the second with. We would say that the difference in height is quite visible. What do you think?

Permaculture Bali at Jiwa Damai

Permaculture Bali at Jiwa Damai

Permaculture Bali at Jiwa Damai

Permaculture Bali at Jiwa Damai

We kindly invite you to check our Jiwa Damai permaculture courses or internship programs in Bali in order to put your own ideas in practice!

Making Bokashi Balls for Our Pond

After removal of all and cleaning the pond, we began to make Bokashi balls. These would be placed under the big stones to allow the Effective Micro-organisms(EM) to settle into the stones.The Bokashi Balls are made of clay, rice bran and EM. We are happy to share with you our method of making this highly useful Bokashi balls.



10 clay soil

1-2 rice bran

1-2 EM mixture with water



Bokashi Balls Permaculture on Bali

Some months ago we had to drain and repair our pond at Jiwa Damai, due to several leaks that caused the water to flow out. http://jiwadamaibali.wordpress.com/2012/05/23/restoring-our-pond/

After we had to rebuilt our high pond, the water quality left to be desired. Emptying the pond, we had lost all the EM which had settled in the nooks and crannies of all the stones. In order to get back to the old clear water we now treat the water with liquid EM (effective microorganisms). Each day a few drops dripping in, slowly but continuously.

The Bokashi Balls are made of clay and EM.

Bokashi Balls_2

Bokashi Balls_2

The microorganisms like to settle between certain type of stones.So we distributed about 500 balls, all handmade under the stones in the water to allow the organisms to settle again. It reduces the moskitoes as well as keeps the algae growth in limits.

Bokashi Balls

Bokashi Balls

So now we hope to welcome back the diverse aquatic life and beautiful water lily’s!

Our pond before the drain

Our pond before the drain