Article about Jiwa Damai

One of our guests, Simon Bradley, who stayed with us for 3 weeks wrote a beautiful article about Jiwa Damai, which is published on the website 'weekend notes'.

What a find to unwind

Our needs were simple. We required a break in a secluded location to relax, meditate and detox. We had three weeks to spare but didn't want to break the bank. Our search led us to 

Jiwa Damai Bali Retreat

 located about 20 minutes from Ubud, Bali.


Read more at:

Jiwa Damai's pool

Jiwa Damai's pool

River bank erosion control

During the last very strong rainy season lots of damage was done on our premise at Jiwa Damai.  The heavy rainfalls caused lots of erosion, especially at the banks of the small river which is flowing through the permaculture gardens. We had to take care of this erosion and stabilize the river banks. To reduce the powerful impact of the torrentious rains on our lands, we reinforced the borders of the river with sand bags.

Wira, Maha, Suecha and one of our volunteers, Fred from Canada, are doing this extremely demanding heavy work of shoveling the river sand into bags and placing it on the banks. Eventually there will be four layers of sand bags on top of each other.

erosion (1)

erosion (1)



erosion (2)

erosion (2)